Wakefield Exchange

e-newsletter Privacy Notice

Here at Wakefield Exchange, we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information for the purpose(s) listed in section 2 below.  This notice provides details of how the Council collects and uses information (data) about you. 


We will keep your information (data) secure at all times.


1.  Who we are.


a)  The Controller for the information we hold is Wakefield Council. 

Contact details:


Telephone:  01924 306112

Email: dataprotection@wakefield.gov.uk


b)  The Council’s Data Protection Officer is the Corporate Information Governance Team Manager. 

Contact details:


Telephone: 01924 306112

Email:  dpo@wakefield.gov.uk


2. How we use your data:


Wakefield Exchange needs to collect the following information about you:


·         First and last name

·         Email address


We will use this information to email you regular e-newsletters providing updates on Wakefield Exchange, upcoming events and updates.


To enable us to provide our service to you, we will share the specified personal information shown above with third-party platforms Email Blaster UK.


Email Blaster UK uses the data above so you can opt-in to receive our email marketing campaigns and it requires users to provide contact information and consent to be contacted. Email Blaster UK also uses your data to provide us with analytics such as “emails read”.


In addition, your data may be accessed by Internal Audit and the Counter-Fraud Team as they are required to hold, or have access to, information from systems and processes across the Council so that we can:

  • Fulfil legal (Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, and Local Government Act 1972) and mandatory professional requirements (Public Sector Internal Audit Standards) to provide an internal audit function.
  • Investigate referrals made under the Council’s Counter-Fraud Framework, including the Whistleblowing Policy.
  • Participate in national and local counter-fraud schemes, such as the National Fraud Initiative, to help protect the public purse.
  • Maintain the central register of applications for RIPA (Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000)
  • Ensure the effectiveness of the Council’s governance, risk management, and control processes.  This forms part of the Head of Internal Audit Annual Assurance Opinion, which is incorporated into the Annual Governance Statement.
  • Facilitate the prevention, deterrence and detection of bribery, corruption, fraud and money-laundering committed against the Council.


Should you decide not to provide any of the information we request from you, we will not be able to send you Wakefield Exchange e-newsletters.


3.  What authority does the Council have to collect and use this information?


The law says that we cannot process your personal data unless we comply with at least one condition in Article 6 of the UK GDPR.  The Article 6 lawful basis we rely upon for processing your information is:


Article 6(1(a)) Consent: You or a legal representative have given consent

Please note that you can withdraw your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting hello@wxwakefield.co.uk or by clicking the unsubscribe text at the bottom of any of the Wakefield Exchange e-newsletters sent to you.


4. How long will we keep your data?


We will keep your personal information collected for the purpose(s) detailed in section 2 for as long as you consent to receive the service specified in section 2, after which time it will be deleted from our systems. The reason for keeping information for this period of time is so you can receive the email service we are providing specified in section 2.


We will review the data we keep every 2 years unless legislative changes require this sooner.


5. Your rights and your personal data


Right of Access

You have a right of access to the personal information that the Council holds about you, and/or the right to be given a copy of the data undergoing processing.


Right to Rectification

You have the right to request that the Council corrects any personal data if it is found to be inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.


Right to Erasure

In certain circumstances, you may have the right to request your personal data is erased.


Right to Restriction of Processing

You have the right, where there is a dispute in relation to accuracy or lawfulness of processing of your personal data, to request that a restriction is placed on further processing.


Right to Portability

You have the right to request the Council provide you with your personal data and where possible, to transmit that data directly to another data controller.  However, this only applies to data that you have provided to us and not to all the information that the Council holds about you.


Right of Complaint

You have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner, please find contact details below.


Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number


To exercise any of your rights, you should contact the Data Controller’s representative as shown in section 1b.


8.  Further processing

If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Privacy Notice, then we will provide you with a new Privacy Notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions.


9.  Changes to this Notice

We will review this notice regularly, and no later than every 2 years, to ensure it remains accurate and relevant, unless legislative changes require this sooner.